Awake in our La Paz hotel – did I mention 5 star hotel.
And even in a 5 star hotel – you must not flush your loo paper down the toilet. It going in the little bucket beside the loo.
Pick up time is 8.30 am so up and get cleaned up for breakfast.
After paying our fee – we are off in our mini van for the ride of a lifetime.
By we I mean, Diana Ken Flora and me – it was good to only have 4 because it meant we had plenty of space and our own windows.
From our hotel in the main street – at the bottom of the crater – about 3900 metres – we worked our way up hill out of La Paz.
Interesting thing about La Paz – all the expensive property is at the bottom and the cheap property is at the top of the hill – 4100 metres
People were busy going to work and business’s were opening up for the day – most of these used the side of the road for their stock – bricks concrete bags beds you name it we saw it. Car repair places – did the repairs on the side of the road.

On the way out we passed a large green coloured building and were told this was the Coco Leaf Market. All the coco leaf from the jungle came thru this place. I have used a lot of Coco leaf tea in the past 3 weeks.

We are still climbing into the Andes – and now we are out of La Paz – check out the Llama and Alpaca – and stopped at a toll/police control – we did get out of the van at this stop.
We stopped again at the top of the pass at 4700 metres. This is the new main road from La Paz to the “Jungle” And the view down the other side – which we still have to do is amazing.

This family are at the top – about to burn all that you can see – praying to their gods for money, cars houses and children for daughter.