

Here i am in the largest and busiest city in Ecuador. This is the main gateway to the shipping world.

This morning walked around Cuenca – checked out the largest church or what ever you call them in Ecuador. It was really big – i cannot remember seeing another this size. And there was something going on because there must have been hundred or so people sitting. Others we have been in this past week – even on Saturday night and Sunday morning only had a handful of people. Around the back was another part – i think connected with the Convert – is that the correct name for a nunnery – the nuns had a little shop – But not like you are thinking. There was a bell and a list on the wall of what was for sale. In the wall was one of these round thingy we used to have in the kitchen in the corner space. Well the customer just spoke to the wall and put their money on the thingy and it turned and their money disappeared – and a few minutes later it turned again and there was their goodies in a plastic bag.

Buying from NunsCuenca

In a little room beside this was a painting on the wall and electronic candles – put your money in and a candle would light up.

This painting was of Jesus the legal provider. People who were about to go to court or what ever they do here – would light their candle and ask Jesus to give them victory. Well believe it or not – the other walls were covered in small plaques thanking him for their victories.

In the little plaza outside – were the ladies selling flowers – amassing – beautiful roses and any flower you could think of – they had them. Some they had made into displays – for wedding and funerals etc. Pity i could not buy any cause tomorrow – i am off to a place that is as carefull to prevent any animal or plant things getting in as NZ.

All bags are searched at the airport here in Guayaquil.

After this my guide and i had lunch – again a normal local food place. So cheap and fulling.  Then back to my hotel to pick up my bags and off we went again.

This time a four hour drive down from the highlands to the coast. The road got to 4800 mts at the top of the pass and on our way down – we were between two lots of cloud – some above us – clear sky – then cloud down lower than us. I hope my photos from the moving van do justice to what i experienced. As we came lower – we got into this lower cloud and into a very fine misty rain.

Down the mountainsBananas

Then came the banana trees , the cacao trees- the rice- the sugar canes-  miles of trees. By now we are on the low lands – a few hundred metres above sealevel.  So different to the mountain areas.

Even this city is so modern and busy. The three of us went out to another local place to eat – they advised me to not take my camera or watch because the city was not a safe place.

I was told not to use the Taxi’s to and from the Airport – because almost daily – tourists were picked up and not taken to where they had asked – but some area in the city far from help and robbed then left in nowhere land. (The Hotel arranged to pick me up on my return from the Galapagos Islands)

I enjoyed the meal and the walk.

I am repacking again – this time to put only the things i need for the next 8 days on the Beluga into a smaller bag. I will leave my big case here at the hotel as i come back here on the 9th for a night before returning home.

So another week gone and another new adventure to start. I will not know if i have a cabin to myself until tomorrow afternoon when i board the boat.

I also am not sure what the internet is like 1000 kms off shore.

Oh on our walk back to the hotel – we came thru a small park one block away – and there in the trees and on the ground were dozens of sleeping iguana.  Small taste of what is coming tomorrow.

Cannot wait.
